Over the years I have worked on a few travel-related projects. In 2013 and later in 2019, I worked on in-flight entertainment and passenger control systems while at Artefact. Recently for ShapesXR, I created automotive simples to pitch automotive partners.

In-Flight Entertainment

Thales is a leading manufacturer of in-flight entertainment systems. In 2013, they hired Artefact to help envision their next-generation IFE (in-flight entertainment) system. I took the lead on this project, acting both as project manager and lead designer for a multi-disciplinary team. Here you can see our team, schedule, milestones, and deliverables that I planned out.

We tried to gain empathy with our customers through a series of activities and frameworks. Our researcher and business strategies created these in collaboration with experts from Thales and through user interviews. Here we see our customer journey framework and a sampling of our user segments.

Concept Ideation
I facilitated a few brainstorming sessions with the larger group at Artefact. We amassed a PILE of ideas. We organized them, combined them, and distilled them into ten concepts. We presented these concepts to our stakeholders and took the best ideas into the next phase of the project.

Next, we wireframed the different concepts and storyboards, gathering feedback along the way. Afterward we created high-fidelity storyboards walking through the user experience for different user segments. Here we see the Family Vacation scenario. The team did a great job with the fidelity of the 3D assets here.

Finally, we tested these concepts with users and created a report showing which concepts would be the most valuable and frequent for each of the user segments. I came up with these frameworks and our researcher did an amazing job doing the interviews and pulling together the data.

From start to finish, this was all in 3 months.

ShapesXR Automotive Concepts
Sometimes my role as head of design at ShapesXR required pitching new customers. Beforehand I would typically create prototypes showing how they might be able to use ShapesXR to visualize their use cases. Following are the prototypes I made that we used to pitch a major automotive manufacturer.
This concept explores driver attention. Using eye tracking on the Quest Pro I set up the scene so that the user will be notified if they are looking at the touch screen when the light turns green. There are varying levels of intrusiveness of the notification depending on how long the user is looking at the screen.
This concept explores whether the user's attention is on their phone when the light turns green. If they are looking at their phone the push notification goes to the phone rather than the touch screen.
This last concept looks at user attention while driving. I was showing how you can dial in the timing of the notifications all in ShapesXR, without needing to touch code.
In total, these concepts only took two to three hours to create.